Working Agreement

إِنَّ رَحْمَتَ اللَّهِ قَرِيبٌ مِّنَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

The mission of ONE14 to spread the message of “Conquer your Nafs” and “Strengthen your body” throughout the Ummah. Our vision is that through our efforts and the permission and Barakah of our creator, 1 million miles will be run and 10 million ayahs will be memorized.

What is expected of you

  • Ihsan in what you produce and how you produce it

  • Transparency in how you work

  • Yearly participation in a ONE14 event

  • Prophetic character in how you conduct yourself

  • When you say you will do something, you do it

What you should expect from ONE14

  • Respect you and your for your ideas

  • We wont micromanage you

  • Trust in your abilities

  • Tolerance of mistakes

  • Support and mentorship as you grow your capabilities

Who we choose not to work with

  • Those who backbite and are not transparent.

  • Those who are in search of power over the pleasure of Allah and serving the Ummah

  • Those who are rude or aggressive to others

  • Those who do not fulfill their promises on a regular basis

If you do not fulfill your commitment multiple times, you will be asked to leave with no ill will and only love for Allah.

We will never speak ill of you. If at any point we do not fullfill our commitment, you are free to leave with no ill will and only love for Allah. We pray you don’t speak ill of us.

May Allah bless you and this initiative.