Hifdh Guide

Welcome to your Hifdh Journey Guide

Before you begin, remember that memorizing the Qur'an is a journey that does not end until you meet Allah . It is a direct pathway to reaching the loftiest stations in Paradise. It serves as a means to that goal, but remember, it is not the goal itself.

While the journey will have momentous milestones along the way, your success will be informed by the extent to which you are transformed by Allah ’s Blessed Speech, and the state in which you meet Him with it.

If you are reading this booklet, you are likely considering embarking on this journey - or perhaps are already on your way but seeking to refresh your intention and motivation. This booklet has been designed to lay out some introductory guidelines and helpful tips to get you started, focusing on transformation over completion.

The booklet has been contributed to by scholars, students of knowledge, and experienced memorizers of the Qur'an from Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UK, and the USA to ensure its contents are authentic and practical. We invite you to stick with us to the end to gain a deeper insight into what taking a journey with the Qur'an entails. Trust the process, seek Allah ’s aid, and set foot on the pathway.

Take a step towards Allah , and await what He has in store. May Allah grant you Tawfeeq!