Guided Run
Our actions have powerful implications for us. As Muslims, we have been gifted with a deen that teaches us to nourish, maintain, and keep healthy our physical bodies as well as to nourish and spiritually enrich our souls. We are made up of both a Ruh, or soul, and a Jasad or body.
When we experience running, we want it to benefit both parts of ourselves. Running doesn’t just have to make our bodies physically fit, it can also train our nafs or self. What does running teach us? How does running have the ability to elevate us and raise us spiritually? In the course of this run, we are going to explore the inner dimensions of running. As we explore this theme, we will practice making thikr to Allah as we run. As you run, try to say the thikr in your heart with each stride you take. We want to be in a state of constant remembrance of Allah, drawing nearer to Him with each step we take, drawing spiritual benefit from the physical act of running.
On this page you will find the guided run audio for the One14 race. This is an original piece that is intended to be listened to while you are running.
We hope you have a great race inshAllah!
Note: There are 20-30 second pauses between the sections where you can reflect on what is being said.